How Will My Property Be Divided?
Advice from Our Birmingham Divorce Lawyers
Dividing your property is a major concern during a divorce. You may be afraid that your spouse will take too much, or that you will get too little. These concerns become especially important if one partner works while the other does not, or if one spouse inherited or received a large estate during the marriage.
When you need help, count on our skilled Birmingham divorce lawyers at Shaw Family Law, LLC. Contact us online or call (205) 259-7650 to learn more.
Alabama Is an Equitable Division State
Equitable division means that marital property and debts must be divided fairly between both spouses.
This can be accomplished by any of the following methods:
- Agreeing with your soon-to-be ex on how to divide everything
- Being honest about your assets, and which were received before and during the marriage
- Asking the court and the judge for help
- Hiring an attorney as a neutral third-party negotiator

"During my 30 years in the practice of Family Law, I have seen it all. The diversity of my clients and their particular circumstances has given me a broad exposure to the various circumstances and events that ultimately bring a person to a divorce lawyer. My clients are beneficiaries of those years of experience, and the expertise I have gained along the way."
- Paul Shaw

Marital vs. Separate Property
In the state of Alabama, property is considered to be marital or separate. When you or your spouse has received property before your marriage, the courts may not divide it, unless that property has been used for benefit of both parties during their marriage. This, however, is not the norm and usually only occurs when the marriage has lasted for more than 10 years.
You can reach an agreement with your spouse. In these cases, you may “comingle” marital and separate property and divide the property as evenly and as fairly as you see fit. No matter what your situation, it is always in your best interest to work together to come to an agreement.
At Shaw Family Law, LLC, our Birmingham divorce lawyers can assist you through the entire process, no matter what the circumstances. Call us today at (205) 259-7650 to schedule a consultation.